Will deliberate practice make you better prepared?
Uncertain times are a true test of a person's character. Character is built upon your principles and the deliberate practice of your principles. Will deliberate practice make you better prepared?…
Uncertain times are a true test of a person's character. Character is built upon your principles and the deliberate practice of your principles. Will deliberate practice make you better prepared?…
Uncertain times are a true test of a person's character. Character is built upon your principles and the deliberate practice of your principles. Will deliberate practice make you better prepared?…
Many Gurus have said - you should be debt-free. I understood it partially. I implemented some of the "Baby" steps to reach that stage. But, I faltered. Then, came COVID-19. We all are facing an unprecedented situation. And this has really opened me to, you know, the idea of being debt-free, and how much that reduces your risk. So the thing I really wanted to talk about in this blog post was you know the importance of being debt-free!
Many Gurus have said - you should be debt-free. I understood it partially. I implemented some of the "Baby" steps to reach that stage. But, I faltered. Then, came COVID-19. We all are facing an unprecedented situation. And this has really opened me to, you know, the idea of being debt-free, and how much that reduces your risk. So the thing I really wanted to talk about in this blog post was you know the importance of being debt-free!
Unprecedented times call for extraordinary measures. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has offered a three month moratorium on payment of EMIs. The RBI has put the onus on individual banks to offer this facility to their customers. If your bank offers you the choice, should you take it? Should You actually defer EMI payments during lockdown?
Unprecedented times call for extraordinary measures. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has offered a three month moratorium on payment of EMIs. The RBI has put the onus on individual banks to offer this facility to their customers. If your bank offers you the choice, should you take it? Should You actually defer EMI payments during lockdown?
People are worried. COVID-19 has placed us all (almost) in a lockdown. This means work from home for a few of us. However, for most of us, it means no…
COVID-19 has most of us feeling anxious. This unprecedented lockdown comes with a lot of questions. It is also making a lot of people anxious about the future. How to deal with the situation? 1 day at a time!
Goals give direction to your life. They allow you to live your life by design and not by chance. Written goals have been proven to be at least 10 times…
What is the ideal job for me? One that gives enough intellectual stimulation as well as money so that I can enjoy my life as well as contribute to the…