Early Home Loan Repayment: A Comprehensive Guide

Early home loan repayment can be a financial game-changer, potentially saving you thousands in interest and shaving years off your mortgage term. This comprehensive guide dives into the various aspects of early repayment, providing practical examples and advice to help you make an informed decision. From understanding your loan terms to balancing debt repayment, building an emergency fund, and considering retirement savings, we cover it all. Whether you're a first-time homeowner or looking to optimize your existing mortgage, discover how early home loan repayment might fit into your broader financial strategy.

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The Five Laws of Gold

We can see that even in the 21st century, the advice contained in the book written almost a hundred years ago remain valid. Human nature does not change and so does the laws of accumulating gold and becoming wealthy. What is your take on this books and the five laws? If you have not read the book yet, I would highly recommend you to read the book.

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Why you should cheat to win in life?

Our concept of cheating is mostly formed in School, where we are not supposed to cheat during the exams. Exams in schools are generally a test of your retention and memory. If you are good at learning by rote, you will generally do well. They hardly judge your intelligence, ability to think for yourself and critical reasoning.

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Life is the best teacher, but here’s how to hack the lesson.

If it is all gung ho for you, you should be really worried. Life tests out everyone in unique ways. One moment you feel like you are set for life, the next moment, China steps in with COVID-19. In reality, things rarely go down the way you want them to. Accidents, family issues, relationship issues, medical emergency, plain old back luck can derail your plans, and it may be challenging for you to bounce back. So, life's all pain and suffering. Not exactly. We see a lot of winners. After all, a 'chaiwala' became the PM of our country. Here's how to hack life's lessons.

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How to cope with Stress? An effective guide

Modern life is fast paced, challenging and stressful. Just the event of past few months like COVID-19, losing your job or simply thinking about the future can cause severe stress. Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline. But when stress lasts for a long time, it may harm your health. Learning how to cope with stress is the first step towards beating it.

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Personal finance is your responsibility. 7 steps to begin today!

When it comes to finance, many people put an impractical blind eye to the fact that finances need to be managed. Personal finance is an ever-growing popular term for adults and teenagers alike, regardless of whether you are earning the money or not. After-all bills have to be paid, family members have to be fed and your lifestyle has to be maintained.

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Why should you want to be Debt-Free?

Many Gurus have said - you should be debt-free. I understood it partially. I implemented some of the "Baby" steps to reach that stage. But, I faltered. Then, came COVID-19. We all are facing an unprecedented situation. And this has really opened me to, you know, the idea of being debt-free, and how much that reduces your risk. So the thing I really wanted to talk about in this blog post was you know the importance of being debt-free!

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Should You actually defer EMI payments during lockdown?

Unprecedented times call for extraordinary measures. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has offered a three month moratorium on payment of EMIs. The RBI has put the onus on individual banks to offer this facility to their customers. If your bank offers you the choice, should you take it? Should You actually defer EMI payments during lockdown?

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